

Welcome to our editorial blog dedicated to life in the heart of Europe. Think of this section as your personal library, filled with easy-to-follow how-tos and deep dives into all sorts of topics that are important if you are planning to live in the country or are already living here. We cover the essentials of daily life, employment and business, family needs, as well as share a few fun facts and exciting opportunities in Luxembourg that you may not be aware of yet.




Luxembourg vs. Liechtenstein: two countries with high salaries and living standards

Luxembourg is a small country in the heart of Europe, and so is Liechtenstein. But which is smaller, Luxembourg or Liechtenstein? Which has a better quality of life? Where are there more job opportunities? These are common questions when considering relocating for better opportunities and weighing between two alternatives. In this article, we will compare these two countries across multiple aspects to shed light on all these questions.

Employment and jobs

Employment and jobs

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Jobs in Luxembourg for US citizens and Americans living in Luxembourg

Whether you're a US citizen considering a move to Luxembourg for work or you're already living in the country and looking for job opportunities, this article is tailored for you. We'll uncover essential information about the job market in Luxembourg, covering everything from visa requirements to the most popular jobs in Luxembourg for US citizens.

Employment and jobs

Employment and jobs


Working as a security guard in Luxembourg: wages, requirements, and documents

Working as a security guard to protect buildings, property and persons. Which qualifications do you need and how to find a job in this field of expertise in Luxembourg.

Employment and jobs

Employment and jobs


Working in a supermarket in Luxembourg: wages, requirements, documents

How can a foreigner get a job in a supermarket? We talk about professions, salaries, employment opportunities and required documents.



Inheritance tax in Luxembourg for residents and non-residents

Inheritance tax affects how much of your legacy is passed on to your heirs. For residents and those with assets in Luxembourg, understanding is essential to ensure proper financial planning and compliance with the law. This article will explain the particularities of inheritance tax in Luxembourg to help you navigate this complex subject.

Hobby and rest

Hobby and rest

Sports for All in Luxembourg: a new vision of a healthy lifestyle

Do you love being active and always on the lookout for new sports activities? Or perhaps you feel a bit out of shape and are eager to start moving your muscles again? Regardless of your situation, the Luxembourg Sports for All program offers a wide range of sports activities catering to all tastes and ages. In this guide, we will go into the details of this inclusive program, showcasing how it promotes a healthy and active lifestyle for everyone in Luxembourg.

Housing and rent

Housing and rent

Heating and electricity in Luxembourg

The cost of gas and electricity in Luxembourg constitutes one of the primary fixed expenses that households and businesses must manage monthly. Understanding the various providers and securing the best prices are essential steps for effectively managing these costs. In this article, we aim to shed light on this important topic, providing you with valuable insights into the gas and electricity landscape in Luxembourg.

Cultural integration

Cultural integration

Cemeteries of Luxembourg

Welcome to the silent realm of Luxembourg's cemeteries, where history whispers between the tombs and shadows dance in the moonlight. Here, every tombstone tells a story, often more vividly than the living themselves! Between majestic mausoleums and mysterious sculptures, let yourself be enchanted by the Gothic charm and the mischievous wink of these sanctuaries of memory.

Employment and jobs

Employment and jobs

Warehouse jobs in Luxembourg: wages, requirements, documents

Warehouse jobs involve numerous professions, such as warehouse workers, forklift operators, order pickers, inventory managers and logistics coordinators. Take a closer look at the diversity of opportunities in this sector, explore and highlight the most in-demand warehouse jobs in Luxembourg.kills, available training, working conditions, and future prospects.



How to get sick leave from work in Luxembourg

It happens to all of us, one day we get sick and can't go to work, but what are the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in the case of work-related absences? Read on as we will cover the specifics of sick leave in Luxembourg in detail.