
Communist Party in Luxembourg — Kommunistesch Partei (KPL)

This article delves into several critical aspects of the Communist Party of Luxembourg, including its organizational structure and representativeness, influential leadership figures, the party's current political stance.

Last time updated

The Communist Party of Luxembourg holds a storied legacy in the country's political landscape, dating back to its inception in 1921. Emerging from a schism within the socialist party (today's LSAP), the KPL is one of the oldest political parties in Luxembourg.

Communist Party at a glance

Firmly situated on the radical left of the political spectrum,  it is mainly an anti-capitalist, far-left ideological party. The KPL asserts that Luxembourg's path to a socially just, democratic, and socialist society necessitates the abolition of private property held by banks and corporations.

Despite its rich history, the KPL faced significant electoral challenges. In the most recent general elections, the party secured 0.64% of the votes, failing to secure Chamber representation. This underscores the formidable electoral hurdle the party has long grappled with, having not held a parliamentary seat for several decades.

The Luxembourg KPL is not currently a part of the governing coalition, and as a result, none of its members hold ministerial positions in the current government.


Political Guide

Structure and representativeness

The Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) maintains a level of secrecy regarding its membership figures, making it challenging to gauge the size of its ranks accurately. To estimate its size, one must consider the party's impact and its electoral performance, which indirectly reflects its appeal to the public.

In the past four legislative elections, the KPL has consistently garnered less than 2% of the vote, placing it in the eighth position in the last two elections and the seventh position in the preceding two. In 2023, they have a 10th spot, with 24,044 of the votes. This modest electoral performance suggests a limited level of popular support.

The inner life of a party

At its core, the KPL operates through a hierarchical framework comprising several committees

At the helm of the party stands Ali Ruckert, holding the position of President.
Central Committee
The party operates with a central committee at the national level, responsible for making significant decisions and guiding the party's direction
Local sections of the KPL
At the local level, the KPL is organized into five sections, namely Differdingen, Esch/Alzette, Rümelingen, Sanem-Beles, and Ceter. Additionally, the party boasts a youth division known as Jeunesse Communiste Luxembourgeoise (JCL).

Electoral system divides the country into four constituencies. The number of seats allocated to each constituency is proportional to its population

seats in the South
seats in the Center
seats in the North
seats in the East

People and influence in the party

Leaders of the party

Ali Ruckert
Chairman of the KPL, editor-in-chief of the "Zeitung wum Lötzebuerger Folleck" newspaper. A member of the Communist Party since 1971, he has been contesting legislative elections under the communist banner since 1984, but hasn't achieved electoral success. He is a Knight of the Order of Merit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Alain Herman
Vice president of KPL, member of SEW/OGBL committee.
Wilhelm Haas
Prominent member of KPL party in Luxembourg.

Other key members of the party

Venanzo Bartocci
Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg
Carole Bestgen
Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg.
Pascal Ciuca
Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg.
Mars Eusani
Prominent member of KPL in Luxembourg.

The Luxembourg KPL is not currently a part of the governing coalition, and as a result, none of its members hold ministerial positions in the current government. Notably, the last time the party had members in government as ministers was during the post-World War II period, within the National Unity government from 1945 to 1947.

KPL vote share in 2018
CSV vote share in 2018
LSAP vote share in 2018
KPL deputies graph
Participation graphs by Luxtoday. Information source: Wikipedia

In the following chart, we can see the number of seats KLP has had over history and it’s important to consider that in 1999, KPL members were nominated on The Left lists, so no separate KPL list existed.

The KPL is not represented in the Chamber of Deputies or European Parliament. The party has faced significant challenges in securing parliamentary seats for an extended period.

There are 705 seats in the European Parliament.

These seats are divided among member countries based on their population size.

6 seats
are granted to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in the European Parliament
96 seats
are held by Germany, the most populous EU state, and the neighbor of the GDL

KRL's current political stance

On the political spectrum, the Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) firmly positions itself at the extreme left, advocating for the abolition of capitalism. The Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) distinguishes itself from other parties in Luxembourg by refraining from making pre-election promises it cannot fulfill afterward.

The party and its cornerstones

According to the KPL, the root causes of current issues in the country lie in a political system that primarily serves the interests of a small minority of property owners. They argue that government decisions, often backed by most other parties in the Chamber of Deputies, align with the requirements of the European Union and NATO.

Party views visualization

Photo from KPL Facebook page
The KPL is known for its strong advocacy of the abolition of capitalism
Economy and society
The core tenet is the imperative need for Luxembourg to transition into a socially just, democratic, and socialist society.
Religion and state
The KPL advocates for the separation of Church and State, asserting that religious institutions and personnel should not receive public financing.
International politics
Internationally, the KPL maintains a critical stance towards the European Union (EU). They argue that EU policies are shaped by the interests of banks and consortiums. 

Communists regularly organize and support rallies and protests, coming out with placards and slogans like "Homes are for people, not for profit." They are associated with the largest workers' union in the country too, OGBL. 

Political program

The KPL program is extensive, you can see the complete program on the KPL website, but for your convenience, we provide you a direct download link of the program and a condensed summary of their key priorities.

In these elections, the KPL emphasizes the importance of electing parliamentarians who understand and address the concerns and issues faced by the people of the country, focusing on real alternatives. The party claims to recognize the most pressing problems faced by individuals and offers suggestions for solutions.

Social structure
Labor and workers' rights
Environment and energy
Foreign policies, peace and cooperation

Party representation

The Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) primarily represents voters with extreme left-wing ideologies who oppose capitalism and believe that a socially just, democratic, and socialist society can only be achieved through the abolition of private property held by banks and corporations.

The party experienced its peak popularity in the three decades following World War II. However, its influence waned over time, with the party only securing two seats in the Chamber of Deputies in the 1979 and 1984 elections, and just one seat in subsequent elections.

Electorate demographics

The party is popular among various groups of the society
Extreme left-wing
Working class and union supporters
Older generation

The 1984 election was the last occasion when the party secured seats in the chamber. However, with each new election, they are presented with fresh opportunities to regain a presence in the chamber.


Today, the KPL Luxembourg party faces significant challenges in attracting new followers. In the 2018 legislative elections, they obtained a modest 1.78% of the votes, distributed relatively evenly across geographic regions. Notably, they achieved a slightly higher representation in the southern district with 1.78%, compared to 0.73%, 0.66%, and 0.79% in the central, eastern, and northern districts, respectively.

While the KPL's historical significance cannot be denied, its appeal has diminished over time, making it a niche political party primarily representing those who remain committed to extreme left-wing ideologies.

Communist Party in comparison
Trade unionsYesYesYesYes
Communist Party (KPL) office is located in Esch-sur-Alzette

Brief history of the party

Foundation and beginnings of KPL: 1921-1945

  • 1921: The Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) was founded on January 2, as a breakaway from the Luxembourg Workers' Socialist Party in Niederkorn.
  • 1922: In the parliamentary elections of May 28, KPL failed to secure seats in the Luxembourg Parliament.
  • 1930: The new press organ, Arbeiterstimme, was introduced.
  • 1934: KPL achieved its first parliamentary success, gaining entry to the Chambre des Députés in the June 1934 elections with Zénon Bernard. However, he was expelled in November 1934 for refusing to swear allegiance to the Constitution.
  • 1935-1940: Volksstimme replaced Arbeiterstimme as the central organ until the German invasion in May 1940.
  • 1940: KPL was banned following the German occupation but continued its clandestine resistance and called for union reconstruction.
  • 1941: The underground newspaper Die Wahrheit (The Truth) began distribution.
  • 1944: Volksstimme was published again after liberation on September 28.

Ups and downs: 1945-2000

  • 1945: In the first post-World War II parliamentary elections on October 21, KPL entered the Chamber with five deputies.
  • 1946: The new press organ Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollek replaced Volksstimme as a daily newspaper.
  • 1968: KPL achieved its electoral peak in the December 15, 1968 elections, securing 15.6% of valid votes and six deputies.
  • 1994: After a series of electoral setbacks, KPL left the Chamber in the June 12, 1994 elections, receiving only 1.6% of the vote.
  • 1999: KPL participated in the formation of a new party, The Left, which attracted social democrats, socialists, and disenchanted communists. The Left secured a seat in the Luxembourg Parliament in the subsequent elections.
  • 2000: In the municipal elections of Esch-sur-Alzette on April 30, 2000, The Left achieved its best electoral result, obtaining 12.8% of the vote and appointing Aloyse Bisdorff as deputy mayor.

The current stance of KPL: 2000 to nowadays

  • 2004: After internal tensions, The Left dissolved, leading KPL to contest the June 13, 2004 parliamentary elections independently. It received its lowest-ever electoral result at 0.9%.
  • 2005: A faction of KPL members formed the dissident party Rotfüchschen (Red Foxes) after three members were blamed for the electoral failure.
  • 2011: KPL gained municipal mandates in several southern towns, including Differdange, Esch-sur-Alzette, and Rümelingen, in the municipal elections.
  • 2017: KPL lost its seat in Esch-sur-Alzette during the municipal elections but eventually entered a Schöffenrat government with the Social Democratic LSAP in Rümelingen.
  • 2013: KPL failed to secure parliamentary representation in the early elections, receiving 1.6% of the vote.
  • 2019: KPL remained a minor political party in Luxembourg, continuing its advocacy for communist ideals and progressive policies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where does the Communist Party of Luxembourg stand on the political spectrum?

How did the KPL perform in Luxembourg's parliamentary elections over the years?

Has KPL ever held the position of Prime Minister in Luxembourg?

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We took photos from these sources: Communist Party website; Communist Party Facebook official page; Wikimedia

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