Employment and jobs

Healthcare jobs in Luxembourg for doctors, nurses and more

The healthcare sector encompasses diverse professions, all requiring specialized training in medical or personal care fields. In this article we will see which jobs are available and what to expect.

Last time updated

While the health care industry is diverse, it shares a common goal: to do whatever it takes to keep people healthy. Achieving this goal, however, has become increasingly challenging due to population growth, an aging population, and an increase in chronic diseases. In Luxembourg, healthcare professionals are in high demand as the shortage of qualified personnel increases the need for their services.

Which healthcare positions are most demanded now in Luxembourg?

The relentless growth of the population, coupled with an aging demographic and an increase in chronic health conditions and other health problems, has created a significant and ever-increasing demand for healthcare professionals in Luxembourg.

Statistics show

To dissect this demand and identify the most sought-after positions, we turn to a comprehensive study conducted by the Ministry of Labour (MT) and the Employment Development Agency (ADEM) covering the health sector from 2020 to 2022.

According to the study, which relies on reported job vacancies to ADEM, the most sought-after profession is that of a nurse, representing 22.1% of the positions.

Following closely are nursing assistants, senior aides, psychologists, medical secretaries, medical assistants, occupational therapists, domestic aides, physiotherapists, and physicians.

of the most sought-after positions are the nursing profession
of the most sought-after positions are taken by nursing assistants
of the staff is demanded in the elderly aid system of healthcare 
of the popular prefessional occupations are in psychology domain
medical jobs luxembourg demand
Occupations most in demand in the healthcare sector from 2020 to 2022. Only available in French, Source: ADEM
Medical staff needed

Indeed doctors are in high demand, our article dedicated to the shortage of doctors in Luxembourg sheds light on the current situation and the underlying causes.

Overview of the healthcare jobs in Luxembourg

Numerous professions and specialties define the roles of healthcare professionals within this diverse field. These include general practitioners, gynecologists, anesthesiologists, and many other medical specialties. Several avenues of practice exist within the medical landscape.


In addition to physicians, the healthcare domain includes nurses, nursing assistants, and orderlies, all of whom are essential to supporting physicians and providing the necessary resources to deliver care. The scope expands to include medical assistants and midwives. Even veterinarians and veterinary assistants are recognized as healthcare professionals.

Generally speaking, the healthcare sector in Luxembourg encompasses a broad spectrum of professions, each demanding specialized medical or caregiving training.

Scope of work
Workplace and settings
Pros and cons to consider before getting into the scrubs and studying for years
The Luxembourg healthcare job market remains dynamic, with abundant opportunities in both private and public sectors. Notably, Luxembourg faces a shortage of certain professionals, such as physicians.
Working in healthcare offers a wide range of educational paths. From becoming a nursing assistant in a year to an assistant dentist in 18 months, the sector accommodates varied study durations.
The healthcare domain boasts a multitude of activities, providing professionals with diverse career paths.
Healthcare professionals find immense fulfillment in aiding others. Whether offering comfort, quality care, or hope, these professionals contribute to improving patients' quality of life and, at times, saving lives.
The healthcare sector facilitates transitions between medical professions, offering numerous recognized diplomas and certifications. For instance, a nurse can further their education to become a physiotherapist, and a pharmacist can progress to become a qualified pharmacist through specific pathways.
Certain professions, especially becoming specialist physician, demand more than 10 years of academic dedication.
Some roles, like emergency care or nursing, entail unconventional working hours. Additionally, physicians may sacrifice lunch breaks due to high demand and insufficient staffing.
Healthcare professionals constantly face hazardous substances, pathogens, or high-risk work environments.
Certain professions or specialties come with substantial responsibilities; an error in surgery, for instance, can have severe consequences.

Training and skills necessary to work in the healthcare sector

Given the expansive array of professions within the healthcare sector, the possibilities for education are nearly limitless, encompassing diverse types and durations of study.

How to become a healthcare professional?

Ranging from one-year nursing programs to 12 years or more for specialist physicians, the educational journey varies widely.

Legal requirements for medics

Another question is that when you deal with people's lives, you have to be in tune with the necessary certification. In Luxembourg, healthcare professions are regulated, necessitating the acquisition of a special permit to practice. To obtain this permit, certain prerequisites must be met.

Residency and nationality

Be a national of a European Union member state, hold a valid residency permit, or benefit from international protection.

Education proof

Possess a Luxembourgish or foreign diploma granting access to the intended profession. If the diploma was not obtained in Luxembourg, recognition of professional qualifications must be sought.

Communication needs

Proficiency in one of Luxembourg's three administrative languages: German, French, or Luxembourgish.

By the way, for detailed information on the application process for authorization or the recognition of foreign diplomas, we recommend visiting the dedicated page on

In addition to formal education and excluding profession-specific competencies, several common skills are integral to success in the healthcare sector.

Stress management
Given the current limitations in treating certain conditions or addressing some situations, professionals may encounter frustration because of no solutions
Healthcare professionals must possess a service-oriented mindset, be prepared to handle diverse situations, cope with associated stress, and related tasks
Compassion towards patients is crucial in healthcare. Understanding others easily and identifying their emotions are essential aspects of delivering empathetic care
Social skills such as effective communication, assertiveness, empathy, and engagement facilitate the development of soft skills, fostering connections

How to get a healthcare job in Luxembourg?

We will now explore the diverse landscape of healthcare employment in Luxembourg with a comprehensive analysis of available positions. We will discover coveted roles and uncover the most sought-after healthcare jobs in Luxembourg

Top-10 popular healthcare jobs in Luxembourg

General practitioner or GP
General practitioners play a vital role in healthcare, addressing a wide range of health issues from infant colic to hypertension in the elderly. Whether in their offices or during home visits, they diagnose and prescribe treatments, providing essential care and monitoring patients' well-being.
Operating in various settings, including homes, healthcare centers, or their own offices, liberal nurses administer prescribed treatments, from home care to palliative care. They ensure treatment adherence, perform medical procedures and adhere to strict medical confidentiality.
Medical assistant
Bridging administrative tasks and medical assistance, medical assistants support healthcare professionals by managing appointments, handling paperwork, and sometimes performing basic medical tasks. Their role varies based on individual doctor management styles and can include patient reception, filling records, and assisting with medical procedures.
Medical biologist
Responsible for overseeing a team of laboratory technicians, medical biologists analyze biological samples, providing essential insights for prescribing treatments. This demanding role requires extensive scientific and medical knowledge acquired through rigorous education.
Specializing in pediatric care from birth to adolescence, pediatricians possess a broad skill set, including neonatology, monitoring child development, and addressing common and rare childhood pathologies. They focus on preventive care, offering guidance on hygiene, nutrition, and education for parents.
Occupational health physician
Integral to employee health coverage, occupational health physicians conduct medical examinations, advise on health and safety improvements, and determine an employee's physical and psychological fitness for work. They contribute to workplace hygiene and education.
Naturopaths focus on lifestyle hygiene to enhance patient comfort and well-being using primarily natural methods. While they cannot replace medical diagnoses or prescribe medication, their expert advice contributes significantly to healing and improving overall health.
Specializing in physical rehabilitation, physiotherapists address musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, and psychomotor issues. They play a crucial role in helping individuals recover from various conditions through massage and medical gymnastics.
Dietitians oversee patients' nutritional needs throughout the food chain, from purchasing to meal evaluation and menu planning. They contribute to patients' overall health by providing expert guidance on dietary choices.
Pharmacists specialize in medications and parapharmacy, offering advice and dispensing both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. They play a crucial role in patient care by ensuring safe and appropriate medication use.
Show all

Where to find work in the healthcare field?

We have the answers if you're passionate about helping the world and wonder where to find healthcare jobs in Luxembourg. We're here to solve the puzzle, explore the leading job boards, and highlight the top locations to secure a healthcare job.

Luxembourg companies and hospitals recruiting in the healthcare sector

Here's a curated list of some of the most impactful healthcare establishments, along with links to explore their current job offerings.

Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
The leading hospital in the capital, CHL, comprises several specialized centers, including CHL Centre, CHL Maternity, CHL KannerKlinik, and CHL Eich. As a public hospital, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg regularly seeks professionals across various healthcare domains.
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg
Association pour la Santé au travail des secteurs Tertiaire et Financier
Specializing in promoting health, safety, and well-being in the tertiary and financial sectors, ASTF has evolved into a hub of services dedicated to employees' welfare
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg
Laboratoire National de Santé
The LNS is a public institution operating under the Ministry of Health in Luxembourg. It encompasses anatomic and molecular pathology, genetics, medical biology, microbiology, forensic medicine, and health protection services.
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg
A 100% Luxembourgish medical biology laboratory with 70 sampling centers throughout the Grand Duchy.
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg
Centre Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique
The largest psychiatric hospital in Luxembourg, structured into three entities dedicated to different populations: Rehaklinik, Centre Pontalize & De Park.
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg
La Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
The Luxembourgish branch of the Red Cross, a global humanitarian organization with a 160-year history and a network of 192 national organizations worldwide.
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg
Laboratoire Ketterthill
A medical biology analysis laboratory, part of the Cerba HealthCare group, with over 70 years of professional experience and a network of 65 centers and sampling points in Luxembourg.
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg
Médecins du Monde Luxembourg
An international medical development organization providing medical care to vulnerable populations globally and in Luxembourg.
Open jobs for health specialists in Luxembourg

Job portals offering vacancies in Luxembourg

To navigate the job market efficiently, the internet is your best ally, hosting numerous job portals with thousands of job listings. These platforms allow you to filter job offers based on your preferred sector, location, educational level, or required work experience.

International job search
Among the international portals are (the European Union's portal),,,,, and
Job platforms for Luxembourg
For local opportunities in Luxembourg, prominent portals include,,, and Each portal offers a unique set of opportunities, allowing you to tailor your job search to your preferences and career goals.

Freelance and interim work in the sector in Luxembourg

In the Luxembourg health care sector, the feasibility of working on a freelance or interim basis varies from profession to profession. Professions like nursing, for example, are often well suited for interim assignments because of their flexibility and adaptability to different health care environments. 

Still, in fields like medicine, interim work is less prevalent because of the complexity of medical practices and the need for consistent patient care. Medical professionals, especially physicians, often prefer permanent positions because patient relationships and treatment plans require continuity.

Some advantages and disadvantages of working temporary and freelance in medicine
Temporary contracts provide employees with flexibility in terms of work duration and assignments
Temporary roles expose individuals to various healthcare settings and challenges, enhancing their skill set
Interim positions offer opportunities to build professional networks within different healthcare institutions
Temporary roles may offer a better work-life balance, allowing professionals to manage their schedules more effectively
Employees on temporary contracts may face uncertainty about job continuity and stability
Temporary positions often come with fewer benefits compared to permanent roles, impacting overall compensation
Career advancement opportunities may be limited for individuals in temporary positions
Temporary employees might lack in-depth knowledge of specific institutional practices and procedures
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Certain healthcare professionals, like doctors, may opt for independent practices, establishing their own clinics or offices. This setup allows for greater autonomy and control over patient care.

  • On the other hand, some specialties, such as surgery, may pose challenges for independent practitioners due to the need for specialized equipment and facilities typically found in hospitals.
  • The decision to pursue freelance or independent work depends on the nature of the profession and the practicalities associated with delivering quality healthcare services.

What else can you read on the topic of employment in Luxembourg?

You will find a variety of articles on the job search, career development and workplace culture in our dedicated section of the Blog. Check it out. 

Professions in-demand in Luxembourg
How to nail job interview in Luxembourg
Writing cover letter for work
Getting a job in Luxembourg
Unskilled jobs with sponsorship visa

Salaries of healthcare professionals in Luxembourg in 2024

For a broad perspective on how much money can one make in the country, where doctors are in high demand, the Paylab platform offers an estimated salary range for the sector.

Average wages for healthcare jobs in Luxembourg
RoleMinimum (euros)Maximum (euros)
Charge Nurse4,0755,834
Clinical Psychologist2,6336,666
Dental Assistant1,8075,099
Medical assistant1,7715,285
Wage one can count on

An estimated salary range for the sector, indicates an average minimum of 2,087 euros and an average maximum of 5,534 euros.

What papers do you need as a foreigner?

For European nationals, the process of working in Luxembourg is relatively straightforward, given the freedom to live and work in any European country. However, if you are not a European national, navigating the paperwork becomes essential.

The requirements vary based on your circumstances, distinguishing between employed and self-employed roles. Additionally, familial situations, such as having a Luxembourgish or European partner, can impact the process.

Common documents and prerequisites typically include
Collect the documents
These are the first basic documents one might need to apply for a work permit and temporary authorisation to stay.
*The mandatory items are marked with red asterisks.
Two fully completed Schengen visa application forms
Two recent identical passport photos
A copy of the passport
Proof of accommodation
An employment contract
Payment of the applicable visa fee
Collect the documents
These are the first basic documents one might need to apply for a work permit and temporary authorisation to stay.
*The mandatory items are marked with red asterisks.
Read more about the process of obtaining work visa to Luxembourg
Work permit in Luxembourg

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What degree and education I need to be a doctor in Luxembourg?

Can I work in healthcare in Luxembourg as a foreigner?

What languages do healthcare specialists like doctors speak in Luxembourg?

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