Source: Kalen Emsley, Unsplash
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Hiking in Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy has one of the largest hiking networks in Europe, with more than 5,000 kilometres of trails. Plan your next trekking or guided walk in Luxembourg with us.

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Hiking is undoubtedly the best way to explore the Grand Duchy: not only the natural parks but also the charming villages that you'll encounter along the numerous well-established trails. The country boasts one of the densest hiking networks in Europe, with over 5,000 kilometers of paths to discover. In this comprehensive article, we will guide you through the breathtaking world of hiking in Luxembourg.

Hiking and trekking: what's the difference

Generally, when someone refers to hiking, they typically describe a pleasant day hike or a multi-day hike that is relatively relaxed and doesn't pose significant challenges. On the other hand, trekking often conjures images of jungle expeditions or more demanding and adventurous journeys. Treks involve several days on the trail and can sometimes extend to weeks or even months. Moreover, treks often take you to remote, and less accessible locations compared to hikes.

If you are a hiking enthusiast, you may also want to check out our related article about camping in Luxembourg.

The best hikingtrails in Luxembourg

Before delving into the routes, it's essential to consider whether you prefer a circular walk or a linear walk when planning your hike. And consider the difficulty of picking the right equipment.

A circular walk allows you to start and finish at the same point, creating a convenient experience. You can easily drive to the starting location, park your vehicle, embark on your walk, and return to your car. It's an excellent choice for day hikes or shorter outings.

On the other hand, linear walks start at one point and end at a different location, offering a sense of exploration and discovery. While linear walks require more advanced planning, they offer the opportunity to explore terrains and take you to various points of interest, breathtaking viewpoints, enchanting forests, and more.

For linear walks, you need to plan accommodation or transport arrangements at the endpoint. It's important to plan ahead and ensure that your transport is organized to avoid any issues.

In addition to that, you also need to consider the difficulty, hikes can be classified into three categories: easy, medium, and difficult.

Easy trails
Suitable for everyone, including families and those seeking a leisurely outing in nature. These trails are generally well-maintained, have gentle slopes, and pose minimal physical exertion.
Medium-level trails
These trialsare designed for hikers with some experience or individuals who may not be accustomed to hiking but maintain an acceptable level of physical condition. They often include moderate inclines, uneven terrain, and longer distances.
Difficult trails
These trails often involve steep ascents, rugged terrains, and longer distances. Hikers can expect strenuous climbs, technical sections, and potentially exposed areas. The difficult trails require a higher level of stamina.

Mullerthal Trail: canyon and old forest in Luxembourg

Spanning 112 kilometers, the Mullerthal Trail takes hikers through the diverse landscapes of the Mullerthal region, also known as the Little Switzerland of Luxembourg. This trail offers three circular routes, each showcasing regional highlights such as peculiar rock formations, mossy forests, picturesque river valleys, and expansive open pastures.


The Mullerthal Trail often leads to stunning viewpoints and cultural sites, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty and heritage. Here are the three routes that make up the Mullerthal Trail.

Route 1: forests and rock landscapes

Immerse yourself in enchanting forests as you traverse impressive rocky landscapes, meander through blossoming orchards, and enjoy breathtaking views of the Sûre Valley. This route can be completed in two daily stages, offering a diverse mix of forested sections with rocky landscapes, panoramic vistas of the Sûre Valley, and paths winding through characteristic orchards of the region.

Starting point and Interactive plan of the route.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 10 hours 45 minDifficulty: medium
Distance: 37,2 kmType: Circular walk

Route 2: Schéissendëmpel waterfall

This route takes hikers through the heart of the Little Switzerland of Luxembourg, revealing captivating rock formations, gorges, crevices, mazes, and the renowned Schéissendëmpel waterfall. This trail can be completed in two-day stages, allowing ample time to soak in the mesmerizing landscapes and marvel at the geological wonders along the way.

Starting point and Interactive plan of the route.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 12 hours 40 minDifficulty: medium
Distance: 40,2 kmType: Circular walk

Route 3: rock valleys, romantic castles, and cultural treasures

This route showcases not only rocky landscapes but also river valleys and romantic castles. Along this route, several castles are worth a visit, including the ruins of Larochette Castle, the ruins of Beaufort Castle, and the Renaissance castle. This trail presents a captivating blend of natural beauty and historical richness, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a unique hiking experience.

Starting point and Interactive plan of the route.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 11 hours 40 minDifficulty: medium
Distance: 38,1 kmType: Circular walk

Dream Loops in the Moselle Region

The Luxembourg Moselle region boasts three certified dream loops labeled as Premium. To obtain the prestigious label, these trails must meet 34 criteria encompassing nearly 200 characteristics. There are several routes for hiking in Moselle Dream Loops.


Manternacher Fiels

This hike takes you exclusively through the Manternacher Fiels nature reserve. As you traverse the cool and shaded forest, you'll encounter rare plant species. The impressive rock formation known as Michelslay is a sight to behold, as is the passage through the narrow Schlammbach valley.

Make sure to take a look at the route.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 3 hours 30 minDifficulty: easy-medium
Distance: 9,57 kmType: Circular walk

Schengen without Borders

This trail leads you through the Stromberg, where the border between Luxembourg and France lies. Prepare to be mesmerized by fantastic views of the Moselle Valley, stretching across Luxembourg, France, and Germany. The steep vineyards and wild nature of the Stromberg make this hike a truly unique experience, offering a blend of panoramic vistas and rich cultural diversity.

Make sure to take a look at the route.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 3 hours 30 minDifficulty: easy-medium
Distance: 8,54 kmType: Circular walk

Wine and Nature Path Palmberg

Along the limestone cliffs, this path takes you through the steep vineyards of Palmberg, offering magnificent views of the Moselle Valley. As you pass through the Pellëmbierg nature reserve, your senses will be delighted by the vibrant green boxwood and wild orchid meadows. The Wine and Nature Path Palmberg promises a journey where nature's beauty intertwines with the region's viticulture.

Make sure to take a look at the route.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 2 hours 50 minDifficulty: easy-medium
Distance: 9,03 kmType: Circular walk

Valley of the Seven Castles

A thousand years of Luxembourg's history in just one day — explore the Valley of the Seven Castles. Rarely found in Europe, this trail in the Guttland region offers a remarkable concentration of medieval architecture. As you hike along this national trail, you'll discover lush meadows and forests, impressive castles and ruins, some of which have been meticulously restored and are accessible to visitors.

Source: Visitguttland website

Make sure to see the Interactive plan. This linear route spans 37 kilometers, starting from Merch and concluding in Gaichel.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: between 12 and 14 hoursDifficulty: medium
Distance: 37.49 kmType: linear walk

Meditation path in Rindschleiden

In the Guttland region, nestled in the smallest village in Luxembourg, Rindschleiden, lies the Meditation Trail. This 1.5-kilometer trail invites visitors to experience tranquility and contemplation through its 12 stations.

Source: Visitguttland website

In 2010, residents of the Wahl Commune, along with others who possessed a spiritual sensitivity, came together to collaborate on the creation of the first themed meditation trail in the Grand Duchy.

Considered generally easy, the trail can be completed in an average of 24 minutes. It offers an ideal route for hiking and strolling, where encounters with other hikers are likely to be rare along the paths. As you follow the trail, you will pass by a restaurant where you can take a break and enjoy a meal.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 21 minDifficulty: very easy
Distance: 1.5 kmType: circular walk

Reimberg hiking trail, Siwen-Brécken-Wee

The Reimberg hikingtrail in Luxembourg, known as Siwen-Brécken-Wee by the locals, takes you through the Schankegriecht, a small valley adorned with a meandering stream. Spanning 5 kilometers, this trail features numerous charming wooden bridges that traverse the stream and a unique landscape of rocks.


The Schankegriecht derives its name from the legend of the Schankemännchen, a ghostly hunter who once haunted the region, instilling fear and panic during its nocturnal excursions.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 1 hour 45 minDifficulty: easy
Distance: 5.15 kmType: circular walk

Schoenfels hiking trail

The Schoenfels hiking trail spans 8.91 kilometers and takes you on a discovery of the Mamerleeën, a unique collection of caves in Luxembourg's sandstone. These caves consist of both natural caves in the sandstone and an extensive network of artificial galleries located just beneath the surface.

Source: Visitguttland website

The trail begins near the magnificent keep of Schoenfels Castle. While the self-guided walking circuits can be explored in either direction, it is recommended to follow a clockwise route for this trail.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 2 hours 50 minDifficulty: easy-medium
Distance: 8.91 kmType: circular walk

Escapardenne Lee trail for hiking in Luxembourg

Immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of the Ardennes region, located in the northern part of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Known as Éislek by the Luxembourgers and Oesling by the Germans, this tourist area boasts two nature parks and the largest lake in Luxembourg, making it a true haven for nature enthusiasts and hikers.

Source: visit-eislek website

One of the standout hikes in the region is undoubtedly the Escapardenne Lee Trail. Spanning 52.5 kilometers with over 2,000 meters of positive elevation gain, this trail takes you through the wooded valley of the Sûre and is best suited for experienced hikers.

However, the trail from Ettelbruck to Kautenbach can be divided into three days of walking, offering a more manageable experience for nature and landscape enthusiasts.

  • The first stage covers 17.8 kilometers from Ettelbruck to Bourscheid-Moulin,
  • The second stage is a 19.3-kilometer stretch to Hoscheid
  • The third stage concludes the journey with a 14.5-kilometer segment to Kautenbach.

The Escapardenne Lee Trail boasts over 60% of natural trails, with less than 20% paved with asphalt. Along the way, you'll encounter 16 natural sites and pass by 32 remarkable viewpoints, providing ample opportunities to soak in the breathtaking surroundings.

The trail also takes you through one city and ten villages or hamlets, allowing you to experience charming local communities as you hike through this picturesque landscape.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 17 hours divided into 3 daysDifficulty: hard
Distance: 52.5 kmType: linear walk

Circuit du Lac

Nestled in the Ardennes region, within the Lake of Haute-Sûre, lies the Circuit du Lac, divided into two sections: the eastern part and the western part. Away from any road traffic, the flora and fauna in this area are exceptionally rich! With a total distance of approximately 44 kilometers, this trail takes you on a captivating journey around the Lake of Haute-Sûre in the heart of the Haute-Sûre Natural Park.

Source: visit-eislek website

Eastern part

Starting from Pont Misère, venture along the lake's shaded slope, evident through the encountered vegetation. Pass by the Burfelt Belvedere, Inserborn Beach, the Sculpture Path of Lultzhausen, and conclude your journey with the ruins of Esch-sur-Sûre Castle.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 5 hours 30 minDifficulty: medium
Distance: 16.79 kmType: circular walk

Western part

Embark from Esch-sur-Sûre and traverse the sun-exposed side of the lake. Highlights along the way include the Kaundorf Bunker, the Baschleiden-Tempelskamp Observation Tower, as well as the viewpoint of the Amputee Trail. As you make your return to Pont Misère, prepare for more challenging inclines compared to the initial leg of the hike.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 8 hours 20 minDifficulty: medium
Distance: 26.71 kmType: circular walk

Natura 2000 Ellergron ore trail

In the southern part of Luxembourg lies the region known as the RedRock referred to as Minett by the locals. It owes its name to the vivid red color of the ore that once fueled Luxembourg's thriving steel industry during the industrial era.

Source: wikiloc

An essential hike in the area is undoubtedly the Natura 2000 Ellergron trail. This 12-kilometer trail offers a diverse array of landscapes, including ponds, gorges, and remnants of iron ore mining. The Ellergron trail can be explored through three distinct loops, starting from Esch-sur-Alzette.

  • The shortest loop begins at the animal shelter and is perfect for families with young children or casual walkers, it explores the theme of nature's resilience and its ability to reclaim abandoned open-pit mines. It takes 45 minutes.
  • The second loop, starting from Gaalgebierg Park, extends over 4.5 kilometers and focuses on the past and present exploitation of iron-rich lands. This route will take 1,5 hours and is also considered easy.
  • The longest loop begins at the Ellergronn Visitor Center and covers 5 kilometers, predominantly traversing through forests. This 5-kilometer distance will take 1 hour and 40 minutes in moderate walking.

If you're keen, you can combine the three loops into a single circuit and complete the whole thing in around three and a half hours. Take a look at the brochure that tells more about what you can see on this hike.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 3 hours 20 minDifficulty: easy-medium
Distance: 11.9 kmType: circular walk

Dudelange II trail

The Dudelange II trail, located near the city of Dudelange, is an approximately 8-kilometer route that showcases the rich history and natural beauty of the area. Once known as the Forge du Sud due to its industrial activity, Dudelange is the fourth-largest city in Luxembourg.

Source: visitminett website / wikiloc

The trail takes you through the Italian Quarter, a former residence of immigrant workers, and leads you uphill to Laangebierg, where you can ascend to the heights of Haard and explore the old mines. Along the way, you'll follow the national trail Sentier du Sud before returning to the starting point.

Time and difficulty
Approximative time: 2 hours 15 minDifficulty: easy
Distance: 8.27 kmType: circular walk

Guided walking tours in Luxembourg

A fantastic way to explore Luxembourg's cities and landmarks, although they typically come at a cost. These tours offer numerous advantages, including expert knowledge and insights from guides, a well-structured itinerary, and the convenience of having logistics taken care of.

Here is a list of some guided tours available in Luxembourg City. The prices are typically around 15 euros (there are discounts for children as well), and the routes take around 2 hours.

  • City Promenade: This walking tour in Luxembourg City covers the grand ducal Palace, the Corniche (known as the "most beautiful balcony in Europe"), and the Bock Promontory, offering a comprehensive experience of the city.
  • City Promenade for Kids: Designed as a treasure hunt for children aged 6 and above, this exciting tour combines the discovery of the capital with the legend of Mélusine, offering a playful and educational experience.
  • Top City Views: Embark on a circuit to explore the breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Highlights include the impressive views of the Chemin de la Corniche and the picturesque neighborhoods of the lower city from the bastion Beck and the Cité judiciaire.

There are a few special guided tours, that are less affordable, but provide a unique opportunity for a weekend in the country.

  • Circuit Godchaux: This 2-hour forest walk bookable for 120 euros introduces you to the beginnings of industrialization in the surroundings of Luxembourg City, providing insights into the region's industrial heritage.
  • The Roses of Limpertsberg – RosaLi: Luxembourg's horticultural heritage with this 3-hour tour explores Limpertsberg, once renowned worldwide as the "Country of Roses" during the Belle Époque. Discover how the neighborhood has transformed into a residential and student area while still preserving its floral charm. The tour costs 160 euros.
  • Gardens and parks: Explore the green Pétrusse Valley and the neighborhoods of Grund, Clausen, and Pfaffenthal. This tour offers a glimpse into hidden treasures, such as the city's vineyards located in the garden of the former monastery, the rose garden, and the vegetable gardens that once supplied the Knuedler market. The tour costs 160 euros.

Self-guided tours with mobile apps in Luxembourg

Self-guided tours offer a flexible and independent way to explore a city or destination at your own pace. Going alone allows you to customize your itinerary, spend more time at attractions that interest you, and discover hidden gems off the beaten path.

However, there are also some challenges to consider, such as navigating unfamiliar streets, missing out on informative commentary, and potentially getting lost!

Fortunately, technology has made self-guided tours more accessible and enjoyable. The use of mobile apps can alleviate these deficiencies by providing guidance, maps, and detailed information about the attractions along the way.

One such app is GPSmyCity, which offers guided walks in over 1000 cities worldwide, including Luxembourg. In Luxembourg City alone, there are 13 guided walks available, providing a comprehensive exploration of the capital's landmarks and hidden treasures. Additionally, Echternach and Vianden offer one and two guided walks, respectively.

Each guided walk in the GPSmyCity app comes with a detailed tour map, photos, and background information about the featured attractions. The app's navigation functions guide you seamlessly from one point of interest to the next, ensuring you don't miss any highlights along the way.

One of the significant advantages of the app is that it works offline, eliminating the need for a data plan while traveling abroad. You can check more information about this app on their official website and download it on Google Play and the App Store.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are there any hiking trails suitable for beginners in Luxembourg

How to find more hiking trails in Luxembourg

Where can I check the route and details of a particular trail

Are there any apps for hiking enthusiasts in Luxembourg

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