Employment and jobs

How to write a proper resume to find a job in Luxembourg

In this article we will dive into all the nuances of writing the best resume to find a job in Luxembourg.

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Job search in Luxembourg for foreigners starts with creating a curriculum vitae (CV). But there is a question – how to fill it right when there are three official languages in Luxembourg besides commonly used English and Portuguese?

Choosing the language and the contents

Usually, major international firms will expect resumes in English. If you are looking for English-speaking jobs in Luxembourg, this is your option.

Local companies expect to receive resumes in the language in which the position is described in the publication. Typically French.

When creating a resume for European companies, not only is it important to choose the correct language, but to place all essentials in a clear structure on one page. In contrast to CIS countries where it is more common to present a multi-page list of all education received and previous places of work.

The common standard size for a resume abroad — is one page. This works for any job application for vacancies in Luxembourg.

When it comes to academic records — courses were taken or skills acquired — they can usually be mentioned in Technical CV, which comes as an addition to a resume. Academic qualifications are valued in Luxembourg, so copies of such official documents could be attached to the Technical CV or the cover letter.

Resume CV format and structure

Whether it is a job search for foreigners or locals, a resume for a job application in Luxembourg consists of 4 sections:

  • Contacts
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Additional information

Contacts always come first, but the other three sections can be placed depending on your intentions. 

Change the outline?

If you have some major valuable experience or outstanding personal projects, you can place them right after the contact information, and use education as the fourth section. 

Personal projects

On Luxtoday you can download and view a sample CV that has been designed with best practice in mind. We have highlighted the type of information and where to put it, so you can edit the downloadable CV format to suit your application and send it in.

CV format for Luxembourg job application
CV Sample – Format and Content Guidelines | 2024 by Luxtoday
CV Sample – Format and Content Guidelines | 2024 by Luxtoday

Formatting advice

When preparing a resume for a job application in Luxembourg keep in mind a few rules:

  • Use normal black Times New Roman (12) or Arial (10) with a white background on the A4 page.
  • Keep the structure by creating headlines for sections.
  • Use bullet points and lists to keep it simple and short.
  • Do not use abbreviations or explain them.
  • Check twice for misspellings and punctuation errors.
  • Translate your resume to French or any other language if required.

Tips for crafting a perfect CV in 2024

If you are certain to find a work position in Luxembourg there are a few pieces of advice:

  1. There is no such thing as a versatile resume. 

    For every application, the resume should be adapted and rewritten based on the position and its requirements. The best option would be to create 3-4 versions of the resume for desired posts and correct them when applying.

  2. Use resume builders, it will help you keep your resume in a consistent style.

    For example, you could try Flowcv.comNovoresume.comResume.ioTopCV.com, and others.

  3. Check ADEM.

    The Agency for the Development of Employment in Luxembourg provides plenty of information for people interested in working. They also hold workshops on resume creation, cover letter writing and the job interview process a few times a year. When registering as a job seeker, you can count on experienced consultants to help with your search.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the main section in the CV?

Are there any special formatting requirements?

Can I use specific resume builders?

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We took photos from these sources: Resume Genius, Unsplash

Authors: Daria
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