
Luxembourg lyceums will close earlier due to the Tour de Luxembourg cycling race

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Markus Spiske, Unsplash

Markus Spiske, Unsplash

Schools in the south of Luxembourg will close earlier than usual on Thursday because of the second stage of the Tour de Luxembourg cycling race. Students from Esch and other towns will be released in the afternoon due to road closures.

School transport will not run due to the roadblocks. Parents and students are therefore advised to plan their routes in advance to avoid delays caused by the race.

The action will affect at least five high schools in Esch. So far, these are the Lycée des garçons, the Lycées Hubert Clément, Guillaume Kroll, the Lallinger Gymnasium, the private Lycée Marie-Consolatrice and the Lycée Belval. A number of other schools in Dudelange and Junglinster are also expected to face similar restrictions.

The Luxembourg government also reminds that the filming of the race from drones is prohibited.

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Source: Lequotidien

We took photos from these sources: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Authors: Kadriia