
Appointment of Prince Guillaume as Viceroy announced

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Source: Megan Watson, Unsplash

Source: Megan Watson, Unsplash

A little earlier, Henri admitted to Belgian journalists that he already knew the date of his abdication, but did not plan to announce it yet. Guillaume's inauguration will take place on October 8, 2024. It is expected that the interval between the appointment of the viceroy and the abdication of the Grand Duke will serve as a favorable ground for the transfer of affairs from the monarch to the heir.

A similar situation was observed with Henri of Luxembourg himself: he received power from his father on October 7, 2000, and became viceroy in March 1998. It can be assumed that the honoring of the new ruler should be expected in 2026, but unfortunately there are no documents or laws that could confirm this hypothesis.

After October 8, Guillaume will officially be able to perform some of the duties of the Grand Duke, although his powers will be limited at first and then gradually expanded. The Crown Duke will only gain full power after the abdication or death of his father.

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Source: Le Quotidien

We took photos from these sources: Megan Watson on Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr, Kadriia